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The Pine Mountain Church is committed to helping the missionaries of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.


We sponsor 2 missionary families and annually contribute to the Global Outreach Program.


We also contribute monthly to the Grayson County Backpack Ministry, which provides food to needy children in our schools and to Grace Inside, the prison chaplain ministry for the River North prison in Independence, VA.

Willard & Yvonne Wagner

Willard  serves as regional director for West Africa, while Yvonne is the area representative for Women’s Ministries. Please pray for more missionaries to assist them in reaching this vast area with the Gospel and for the training of national missionaries to reach neighboring countries. Pray for the continued ministry of West Africa Bible College and the colleges in Togo, Ivory Coast, and Ghana. Pray that the primary schools in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Togo will continue to produce Christian citizens so these young people will someday help lead their generation into righteousness. They rejoice in what the Lord has done these past 24 years in West Africa.

Joe & Maggie Delport

The Delports have served as missionaries on the African continent for the past 25 years and currently live in South Africa. Joe serves as the regional director for Southern Africa, which includes six countries. He networks with the national leaders in his region and also oversees projects in the different countries. He serves as director for Advance School of Ministry, which equips national leaders in numerous countries in Africa. Maggie does all the administrative work for Advance School of Ministry. She also does the accounting and administrative duties for the Africa Development Center in Krugersdorp. Their vision is to enlarge the Kingdom of God in their region by training, equipping, and releasing leaders for the end time harvest.

Information used from

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